Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Pope comes tomorrow!!!

It is crazy to think that in 14 hours or so I will be in the same country as the Pope!! I feel so blessed for this opportunity and I can´t believe that I am totally here.  It is a bit surreal for me still, but I think that I am getting used to Madrid. I can get my way around, so even if I don´t know where I am exactly I know how to get back here to our hotel.  I can navigate the tram system well and everything.  Since I only have less than 10 mins I want to share one thing with everyone that I learned today.

This morning we had a teaching from the Arch Bishop from Chicago... off the top of my head I don´t remember the name, but that isn´t what matters.  Today he was talking about living your faith and how even if we know our faith it isn´t enough.  This is the quote that got me : ´´Even the demons know the truth, they just don´t seek others out to tell it to.´´ okay that isn´t exact, but it was close.  I think that is crazy to think about, we just can´t say that we know our faith and that is it.  We have to go out and live it and bring others to know why we are the way we are.

People just can´t think that we are good people, we have to let them know that it is the love of Jesus Christ that is show through us.  Just a nice thought of the day.

Tomorrow the Pope comes, and we have 3 more nights at this hotel... I think and then one day sleeping under the stars with everyone and their friends, and then one night in Paris.  I have been away from home for over a week, and while this trip has been amazing and I am loving it here.  I think that my true home will always be Northern Indiana.  I love my family too much to be away from them and not talk to them in a week.  Good lesson to learn

Thinking and praying for all of you.  Don´t know about blogging again until Paris, because I want to really focus on the next two days (it is 10 pm here so Thursday and Friday)

Love from Madrid!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Wow!! Things have been amazing, and luck for me that this keyboard is almost like the one in America so lucky for me maybe I´ll be able to write more this time. 

I just read a few of what all of you wrote on my blog and I love hearing from you, but I don´t really have time to comment on it, because at this hotel in Madrid it have 30 mins on this computer cost 3 euro. So don´t really expect too much from me in Madrid.  Because I am a cheap person and I don´t like spending money on things so I will try to do my best to keep you all informed. 

Two days ago (Sunday I think it was) we stoped in Loyola (or sometimes it was written Loiola or something), Spain.  and I fell in love with the church that was built next to to birth place of St. Ignatious of Loyola.  The sound just went through your body and it made the Mass and prayer so much more powerful.  It was totally amazing.  I wish that I could put more thought into what I felt there, but I´ll just have to tell you when I get back beause it is so hard to get everything written down in the time that I have.  (also I have had 3 cups of coffee this morning already so my hands are shaking somewhat badly.... oops) Right now it is 10:33 here so it is 4:33 there.  that is crazy to think about.  But onward.

After Loyola we went onto Burgos where there is an awesome church there.  When we got there Sunday night there was a party slash concert going on in the court yard infront of the church.  It was amazing but Fr. David Mary says that it is just like a spit in the ocean to what World Youth Day is going to be like.  But is was still amazing.  I was in a congo line (yes I know cheesy....) with people from France, and Austraulia, and Germany, and so mayn different places.  It is great to be able to all come togther and be unified.  We don´t have to think about government or where we are from, our culture, or language (alough it is easier if they speak English...) but we are united because we believe in the same Lord and God.  It is just am amazing feeling that just brings a smile to my face. 

Sometime I have to step back and remind myself that I am just not In America but I am a quarter away around the world! I have to picture the map of Europe in my head and remind myself that I am  no longer in Indiana.  It is crazy because on the bus ride in France and Spain the majority of the landscape reminded me of parts of America.  I was reminded of past vacations and everything.  But then I was like ´´no Erin you are in Europe!´´  I am still trying to wrap my head around that concept

In Burgos we were in a hotel that was like the palace compaired to our first place (I know that doesn´t mean much to you beacause you haven´t seen any pictures, but once I get back and post pictures on facebook you will totally understand.  In our first place our bathroom you could barly have room to move and in the second place you could lay down if you really wanted to (I didn´t, but that is the size difference)  But we were only in Burgos for one night.  and In the morning my roommate and I missed our alarm and was worken up by my small group leader on the phone saying they were about to leave for Mass... oops :)

But then we went onto Madrid.  We got into the city around 2 in the afternoon on Monday, so 8 am Indiana time.  We went out to lunch, where I had blood sausage for the second time (the first time was at dinner in Burgos) and I think that I am one of the only girls that actually liked the taste of it.  I wish that I could describe it to you but I don´t really have the time. But there is a story to the first time that I ate it that I´ll have to tell you. but I only have 4 mins left.....

After lunch my group and I walked around Madrid for some time and this place has just such a presence to it that just gives you energy that even though it is hot you keep going.  After walking around we got together in our full group and walked to dinner (yes we eat good here!) and we had a praise and worship session while we wated for our section to be available.  and then we got out WYD bags!!! It is finally here!!! verys exciting!!

Tonight is the opening Mass at 8 our time so 2 your time.  I´ll be praying for all of you!!

Less than a min, so I just wanted to say I am thinking of you all and I am missing you too but I think that this experience is going to be grand!!

Until next time, God Bless!!


Saturday, August 13, 2011

What a time it has been!!

well I made it through my first plqane trip. And right now my challenge will be getting used to this keyboard to type this all up... So sorry in advance if I spell some things wrong...

Wow!!! Lourdes has been amazing. I did not picture it the way thqt it is, but it is totqlly beautiful! But before we get to that I will try to start from the begining. We left St. Vincents at 2:15 and flew out of Detroit at 9:40. While the plane ride was a new experience, I now know that it is hard to sleep on a plane where you can not use the sholder of the person next to you... But I might have gotten a few hours of sleep... like 3 at the most.  Fast forwarding... I was part of the last group that got to Lourdes on Thursday and we got there at 7:15 and everyone was waiting for us to get there because we got stuck behind an accadent on the highway. But we got here and had dinner. Then I just went to my room because I traveled for 24 hours, taking into account no time change... and had about 10 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours... But I would not change this experience for the world!!

On the next note, this is going to get rushed because I am getting rushed by this French guy to hurry up...

I have seen the Gratto, many of the churches that are here, and trust me there are many... Have gone to adoration, stations of the cross, which was awesome btw I will have to talk about that next time! then Mass a few times, reconciliation, quiet time, and so many lore things!!

I just feel so blessed to be here on this trip and able to have all of these experiences. I miss you all, and I think and pray about all of you. more soon hopefully!!!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Well it is official I leave Fort Wayne in three hours to begin my pilgrimage to France and Spain for World Youth Day.  I first want to thank everyone that has helped me get to this point in my life and on my trip.  I wouldn't be able to do any of this without you!!

I think that it is finally sinking in that I am leaving soon!! (I know it took me awhile...) But yesterday I said bye to my sisters, boyfriend, and my Dad.  When  I get back from my trip my Dad with just be leaving on a work trip so I won't get to see him for three weeks!! I don't think that has ever happened in my lifetime.  I am going to miss everyone that is staying here. But I do have to admit that I think that I think that the whole trip will keep me busy enough that I won't have much time to miss them miss them. (Not saying that you aren't important, because everyone that is staying here in the states are important to me)

Trying to finalize everything around the house, like zipping up my bag, charge my camera, wash my sheets on my bed, and oh yeah order my school books... I was planning on doing that much sooner (like two weeks ago sooner... oops) But I really didn't want to think about my senior year just yet.

AHHHhhhh I am going to Spain!!! I am going to be getting in a plane and going over the ocean!! I have never done anything like this before in my life, and I can't wait for this adventure.  I know that it is going to be the start of something new and that this trip will totally impact my future.  And I cannot wait to take that jump :-)

Well I should be ordering my school books, and finalizing up things here because I leave in two and a half hours!! Hopefully there will be computer access sometime while I'm over there.  So I'll post when I can!!

Until Next time!! God Bless and Safe travels to everyone!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Countdown: 2 days

Soar throat gone! Goodness I was a bit worried yesterday because I did not want to travel with being sick.  But have no fear, Erin is good now.  :-)

So today I officially started to sort through the clothes that I have accumulated over the past few weeks. and I am working on that part of the packing.  It is so awesome!! In tow days I will be on my way to Detroit!! I feel so blessed that I was able to go on this trip, and I don't think that I even understand fully the greatness that this trip will be!

I have prepared maps for my family so they can follow my travels, and I have prepared by packing, and praying and just all around getting ready.  But still somehow, I feel as if I could never be truly ready for this trip until I am on my way.  I look around my room as I get things ready and I realize that this is the end of an era for me.  Next summer I will have graduated from IPFW. Next summer I will hopefully have a job, and summer vacations will be something in the past.  How crazy does that sound? This is my last summer and I am ending it with a trip to Spain?! That is just so awesome.  Now I just hope that I don't get the travel bug and want to keep traveling because I am going to be a poor college graduate next year.

The future is such a crazy awesome thing, no matter how much planning you put into it, no matter how much you think about it and pray about it. You don't get to live it until it is the present.  We always have to live our live thinking about the future, but we can't think about the future too much that we lose sight on our current journey.  That is what I am going to be doing over this trip, pray about my future, but think about the present and realize that I should enjoy life to its fullest every day that I am here living and breathing.

Well more packing calls and I want to get most of it done by tonight.  God Bless!!

Until Tomorrow

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Countdown: 3 days!

So in less than three days I will be flying on my way to Paris! Now this would be a very exciting thing, but the problem is that today I spent the day with a just lovely sore throat... Now all that I can do it hope and pray that it is a one day deal, because I want to be totally healthy for Spain and the entire trip. I don't want to be the Debbie Downer on the trip.  So your prayers would be greatly appreciated that I get healthy by tomorrow morning so I can just work on the packing and getting everything packed tomorrow!

So instead of writing much tonight, I am going to cut it short so I can get to bed sooner.

Until Tomorrow

Friday, August 5, 2011

Countdown: 5 Days

5 days, that is all that is left in the waiting for the World Youth Day trip that I'll be taking with the Fort Wayne - South Bend Diocese. For over a year I have been working for this moment. But this trip was always that far off event that I never really thought that would really come. But in a week I'll be in Lourdes France! How crazy does that sound?

This whole week has been crazy, I have been trying to find the right cloths, get some things around for school, and try to find time to hang out with people before I leave.  It has been crazy! I don't think that I have shopped so much in a given week than I have this week.  But the good news is that I won't have to go cloths shopping for awhile...

Finally everything is coming together and I cannot wait, well I can because I still have to gather everything and make sure that everything will fit in my bags, and I also have things that I need to get done before leaving on Wednesday.  But it is all coming together!

Hears to the next 5 days being productive so that I'll be prepared!!

Until Tomorrow

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Countdown: 8 days

I can't believe it, a week from today I'll be spending the last night at my house with my family before I leave for Spain.  I think that thought totally hit me today; that I am actually leaving for WYD in little over a week!

I was shown this great site that has a mini tour of what is going to be going on during World Youth Day, (Find it HERE).  It talks about WYD and some locations on where the Pope is going to be. I would totally recommend watching the video on that page. 

So I have started to hunker down today.  I am working on getting clothes and I got some great walking shoes today.  Next I am working on getting a ddigital camera (the one that I have currently is big, bulky, and isn't working well, so I figure now is a good time to look into that), next is getting a watch because I won't have my phone with me to have an alarm clock or a clock for that matter.  Then there are some small things, like I want to get some new socks (I know that it sounds strange, but I love the feeling of new socks!), but just some things like that.

I have a list going on with all that I want/need to get done before leaving. The funny thing is that half of those items don't really pertain to the trip.  Some have to do with hanging out with friends and family, some is about school, and others are getting things around so my plant doesn't die while I am away (Angela I am hoping that you will help me with this! )

My bag is still sitting empty opened at the foot of my bed, but I feel like I have a better idea of what I have to get done before next week.  Procrastination is not an option anymore, I know that. But I am not going to stress myself out to just get ready for this trip, because that is not what it is all about.  A pilgrimage is not supposed to be stressful, but spiritual and rejuvenating. So for the next week that is how I am going to look at things, as a preperation for a great and wonderful experience.

Until Tomorrow

Monday, August 1, 2011

Countdown: 9 days

9 days... We are into the single digits!! I cannot believe it.  When I was supposed to be studying for finals at the end of last semester, I made a paper countdown chain that stretched my entire room.  not it is this little short thing that is hanging by my window... It still doesn't seem totally real though yet.  I leave for France and Spain in 9 days!! Next Wednesday (the 10th) I'll be on a bus at this time headed up to Detroit.  How surreal does that sound?!!?

So I have finally started to work on packing (procrastination..... oops) but I still don't know how I am going to be able to pack everything, and still have room to bring things home.  I have never traveled over seas, I have therefor never been on a pilgrimage overseas, and I have never gone on a trip where I was limited to one small luggage bag to fin everything in.  This is the same bag that I used to pack some cloths in when I house sat for my sister's house for a week (and I also had two other bags with cloths....)  Yeah I think that my greatest problem is going to be the packing light.  Any suggestions would be welcome.

The theme for this WYD is: "Rooted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith"  Colossians 2:7.  How awesome does that sound? It is just has great imagery, we are rooted in Jesus Christ through our Baptism, and we are built up though the other sacraments, our families, friends, and everyone that we come in contact with.  From there we are called to be firm in the faith so that we can let the light of Christ shine through us.

Until Tomorrow

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Countdown: 10 days

Well when I said tomorrow in my last post I really meant today.... oops :-)

So I said that I was going to talk about what The whole trip is going to entail.  When I leave on Wednesday the 10th  I will be taking a bus from Fort Wayne to Detroit.  From there I am going to be taking a direct flight from Detroit to Paris.

The whole group will be arriving in Paris on Thursday the 11th and from there I'll be flying from Paris to Toulouse.  Once landing there we'll be taking a bus to Lourdes France.  That is going to be really exciting because that is the where St. Bernadette was visited by the Immaculate Conception.  While in Lourdes we are going to be visiting the grotto.

On Friday the 12th and Saturday the 13th we will be staying and retreating in Lourdes.  Then on Monday the 14th we will be traveling to Burgos, Spain while stopping in Loyola.

Then from there Monday the 15th we will be arriving in Madrid in the afternoon.  Tuesday the 16th to Friday the 19th we will be in Madrid for World Youth Day.  Saturday the 20th we will be participating in WYD activities and that evening walking to a HUGE area where EVERYONE will be coming together and having an overnight sleepover with everyone to prepare for the Papal Mass (with the Pope!!!!) on Sunday the 21st. I think that the thing that I am most excited to see is the Pope!! I hope that we are able to get a great location so we will actually be able to see him. I don't care if he is the size of a splinter, I really want to see the Pope :-)

From the Mass we will be traveling from Madrid to Paris (via plane) on Sunday the 21st and Monday the 22nd. Spending the night at Paris airport and then to Detroit and busing back to Fort Wayne.  By 9:00 pm on Monday the 22nd of August (roughly) I will be back in my city and all of this will be just a great memory.  But I know that this experience is going to be one that will impact my life forever.

and I cannot wait :-)

I can't believe that I will be flying and traveling. It is still one of those things that I won't believe that I will be going until I am on that bus to Detroit or even on the plane.  Everything is just going to be a great experience.

Also if you want to keep up with everything the diocese has their own blog about the trip

Until tomorrow (and this time I mean it)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Countdown: 13 days

So I thought that I would start writing about my experiences about World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid and about the trip that I am taking with the Diocese of Fort Wayne - South Bend. I have actually wanted to start a blog about the preparation long ago, but sadly I am just getting to it.  :-(

I put my luggage tag on my checked bag today! I know that sounds like such a small thing, but it really did put a smile on my face.  Every day the realization that I am actually going to be flying on a plane in 13 days and about 2 hours from now! This is going to be my first major trip that I'll be taking without my family.  I have been to D.C. with school for the March for Life in January, but never something for 12 days!

I have been working on the 'what-to-pack' list for the trip. And if you have ever seen me pack for something, I am a horrible packer. I over pack, and for this trip we have been told that we should pack as little as possible.... That is a challenge in itself for me. But I always welcome a challenge.  Having never been to WYD before, I don't know totally what to pack and how 'nice' or 'grungy' the majority of the people dress for this type of thing.  But I know that by the 10th I'll be set on the packing, well I better be!

It is funny I have always dreamed about traveling to Europe when I was younger, but even though I took Spanish for 5 years, Spain was never in my top 5 place I wanted to visit. (Maybe that was due to the fact that I wasn't very good at Spanish....) No I wanted to go to England, Ireland, Germany, Italy, and Grease the most.  But on getting ready for this trip to France (for things before WYD) and Spain, I am just getting excited for the opportunity that I have been given to actually travel! So I can still dream about those other places, but for now I'll dream about this trip in front of me.

Tomorrow I'll try to talk about what all I am going to be doing on the trip, for those of you who don't know.

Until Tomorrow!